My Work


  • Encontro Especial de Tutoria (not published online)
    In November 2023, I spoke with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professional Education’s (MITPE’s) students of the “Blockchain: Disruptive Technology” course about Bitcoin’s pre-history. (Portuguese language)
  • Pré-História do Bitcoin (parte 2)
    A conversation with Brazilian Huberto Leal (Quarta Hold podcast) about my work on the economic and philosophical ideas that eventually led to Bitcoin (Portuguese language)

  • Pré-História do Bitcoin (parte 1)
    A conversation with Brazilian Huberto Leal (Quarta Hold podcast) about my work on privately-issued digital currencies before Bitcoin (Portuguese language)


  • Fungibility and Cryptocurrencies
    In June 2020, I gave a webinar presentation for Blockchain New Zealand on fungibility as a property of money and a comparative analysis of various types of money historically: from seashells, to fiat, to gold, to cigarettes, to fiat, and of course, cryptocurrencies.

  • In addition, I have given presentations to various organizations in Spain, Nigeria and the United States on work that I have done on the subject of rationality in economics.


Here are a few articles I have written, some with abstracts and some without. They include outlets in Brazil, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, United States, South Africa, and Spain. In addition to the below content, I wrote a weekly newsletter about cryptocurrencies for Brave New Coin (BNC) until September 2023, which is published on the BNC website.

  • The Future of Bitcoin in Light of a Spot ETF
    January, 2024 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This essay was featured by RealClearMarkets here, republished by “fringe finance” Substack Quoth the Raven here, and by Zero Hedge here. It was also published in Italian by Bitcoin24ORE here and (a version more relevant to the Brazilian market, co-authored with Maicon Zeppenfeld) to Portuguese by the Instituto Mises Brasil here.
  • Degrowth Kills People – Yes, Literally
    December, 2023 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was also republished by the Independent Institute’s Catalyst project here and was featured by RealClearPolicy, RealClearMarkets, and RealClearHealth on their homepages and gateway pages here, here, and here. It was also republished in Portuguese by the Instituto Mises Brasil here.
  • CBDCs: A Weapon for Debanking the Banked
    July, 2023 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was featured by RealClearMarkets here, featured by The Future of Freedom Foundation and now has a gateway page here, quoted at length in an article on Zero Hedge here, was listed elsewhere on Zero Hedge here, republished by MSN here, republished again by the “fringe finance” Substack Quoth the Raven here, and then again in German by here, and in Portuguese by the Instituto Mises Brasil here.
  • Decentralization and Bitcoin (previously published as “Anarchy and Bitcoin” before the publisher renamed it)
    June, 2023 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was also republished by MSN here, by the popular Substack Quoth the Raven here (which apparently “LOVED” the article), and then again in Portuguese by the Instituto Mises Brasil here. It was also republished and featured on Zero Hedge here and here.
  • Cypherpunks, Galt’s Gulch, and Bitcoin
    May, 2023 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was also republished by Zero Hedge here, by MSN here, again in Portuguese by the Instituto Mises Brasil here, then again in Portuguese (separate translation) by the Instituto Rothbard here, and to Italian by Francesco Simoncelli for his blog here. Additionally, there is a Chinese version of the article here, but the translation looks to have been done by AI.
  • Hayek and Bitcoin
    April, 2023 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was also republished by MSN here, by “fringe finance” Substack Quoth the Raven here, by the Instituto Mises Brasil (in Portuguese) here, published (in Italian) on Francesco Simoncelli’s blog here, and listed along with other articles on Zero Hedge here. It was also called “Recommended reading” by American economist Lawrence H. White, who spent his career studying private currencies.

  • Mises’s Regression Theorem, Bitcoin, and Subjective Value Theory
    November, 2021 – American Institute for Economic Research
    This article was also published in Portuguese by the Instituto Rothbard (Brasil) here, published in Italian on Francesco Simoncelli’s blog here, and was published by some (unknown) person as a Portuguese-language audio version here. Lastly, this article was the topic of episode “Read 813” on the Bitcoin Audible podcast, hosted by bitcoiner Guy Swann (see here for Audible or here for iTunes).

  • Economic Lockdowns Kill People–Yes Literally
    May, 2020 – Foundation for Economic Education
    As the title suggests, I explain how shutting down the planet as a reaction to COVID literally kills people – something political leaders around the world seem to be all too happy to ignore. Making a decision to not shut down an economy isn’t merely trading lives in favor of economy. In fact, in both cases (both without lockdowns and with lockdowns), the trade-offs involve the loss of human lives.
    This article was also republished by a South African gay men’s magazine called Gay Pages here, published in Spanish by FEE en Español here, in Italian by Istituto Bruno Leoni here, and in Portuguese by Jornal Hora Extra here.

  • Politicians, immigration and the God complex
    October, 2018 – National Business Review
    Here I provide an analysis of Australia and NZ’s immigration laws through the lens of Hayek’s knowledge problem. (Content behind paywall but can be accessed for free by creating free account).

  • A few of my articles are published on The New Zealand Initiative’s blog. For example, here, here and here.

  • International Relations Glossary in Portuguese and Spanish
    July, 2013 – Formerly published on and Content now published here on my own website.
    For IR scholars and students who also happen to be “latinoamericanistas,” this list of translations of IR terms in all three languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish) serves as a great resource.

  • Sowell’s Visions
    December, 2013 – Foundation for Economic Education
    In this article I summarize Thomas Sowell’s book A Conflict of Visions and Steven Pinker’s The Blank Slate and explain the importance of understanding the concepts of opposing world visions when discussing often controversial topics such as economics and politics.